Sunday, February 17, 2008


Asher is 16 months and the boss of the family. He likes to explore and climb ON EVERYTHING and is giving me a run for my money! Its a good thing he's so adorable.


Haysie is almost 5 going on 14. He loves to act annoyed and roll his eyes and keep Asher out of his room. He is also getting really good at gamecube, science experiments and secretly loves a good cuddle.


Dax is 6 and is OBSSESSED with Transformers right now! He can tell you any fact about them, make perfect sound effects, and sing the theme song for you. Over and over again. And then again.


I thought that we had better take advantage of the enormous amounts of snow we have been getting lately-especially since Hayes actually told me that they only build snowmen in the movies and you can't do it in real life. Makes me sound like a great mom, right? Don't be surprised, a lot of what they say makes me question my child-rearing abilities. Anyway, here is our first attempt...

Life with Boys

Things get pretty crazy chasing 3 boys around (4 if you count the big one). But I wouldn't have it any other way. As Tyler once put it-its my own little slice of heaven. As opposed to the spa. Or the mall. Or even anywhere not playing kid-music. :) Ha Ha.