Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Must Be Santa

Haysie's kindergarten had a little Christmas program. He was so excited for us to all come to his schoool and watch him. And he did such a good job! Doesn't this kind of thing always make you smile? I think I'll be a little sad when the boys are too big for construction paper Santa hats and class programs. Although, sometimes that day seems a very, very, very long time away:)


Jennifer Pelo Rawlings said...

That is one of my favorite kids Christmas songs. Orion and I were singing it just the other day. So cute. Those days do seem far away when you are in the thick of it. I do remember thinking it would be forever, but my baby is turning 13 tomorrow and it went so freakin' fast.

Katie said...

So adorable! I love Mrs. Holt! And although grown up kids may sometimes seem a long ways away, when it comes we'll surely say it went too quickly:)

Deanna said...

THAT is so cute!!! Tanner will be a Sunbeam on Sunday...crazy how time flies!!! I feel like I'm getting old...

Julie Geldmacher said...

It makes me miss teaching school. I was singing with them, even though we did different actions.
Hayes really sings out. Love it!