Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Good Old Summer Time

Flip flops, a swimsuit, a farmer's tan , a sticky popscicle face and a very tired boy at the end of the day: summer is officially here :) Woo Hoo!


Jennifer Pelo Rawlings said...

Dang cute picture.

Joan said...

I love the summer-time
The kids can run until they drop.
You don't need to worry so much about a strict schedule and just have fun. you've got a great family

Cathy Lloyd said...

Oh those days of summer! What a darling boy!

Deanna said...

That. is a darling picture! I remember the short, so fun, and so tiring! :) I think it was the only time our mom didn't have to put us down twice for naps...we usually fell asleep on our own! :)