Saturday, June 19, 2010

Summer Chores are Hard

We started a chore chart this week. After about two days, Hayes said he didn 't really like it and he's tired of folding his own blanket-which is the easiest thing on his list. Yeah, I'm tired of folding that blanket too. I guess he better get used to it. I'm pretty much a slave driver.

They didn't seem to mind this particular chore so much. How often does the car need to be washed?


Julie Geldmacher said...

Wish we had the boys to wash our cars. They seem to enjoy it more! Great pictures.

Angie said...

Jacob has been begging to wash our car for weeks! Needless to say it's still dirty, can he come over to your hous :)

Joan said...

Loved seeing pics of the boys
They are so handsome...sounds like
life at the Geldmachers is sooooo